Multi-Passionate Creative + Midlife
I think as creatives we often feel like we have to be so clear in defining who we are and what we do that we end up feeling boxed in. We’ve been told so often we’ll never get anywhere unless we pick one thing and focus, yet when we do we feel like we’re losing much of our authentic creativity in the quest to fit a label.
So when I first heard the term “multi-passionate creative” I was hooked, because it felt like me! Maybe it feels like you, too?
If so, I believe there is no better time than midlife to embrace it.
Here’s the process I used:
I did an audit of my priorities and came up with five that rose to the top: faith, music, writing, art, and dog and cat welfare. I spent a lot of time on this process and leaned into what really fills me with joy and energy. This became a guide of sorts for my creativity.
I decided I would use this list as my guardrails: if something doesn’t fit one of these categories, I’m not spending time, energy, and resources on it. This really helped me focus, and it also made my creative expression more powerful as I found my categories coming together in new ways.
Take my Herald album, for instance. It checks all the boxes! It checks the faith box since the songs are faith-based, it checks the music box, obviously. It checks the writing box, because I wrote the songs. It checks the art box since I used one of my original paintings as the front cover. And I included a photo with my precious dog, Petunia, on the back cover to share my passion for dog welfare.
My Herald album only exists because the Lord told me to make an album and to paint again (see previous posts and interviews for that backstory). He knew how to get the best out of me in ways I never thought possible. Walking through this process with Him has brought me to a much deeper revelation of how much He truly cares about creativity. It’s why I’m so passionate about sharing my own story. I want others to be encouraged and to step outside their comfort zone. So much creativity awaits! And it’s not too late!
The world needs your creativity, and so do you.
Reflection Questions:
We were wonderfully made by the Father of all creativity, so we can’t help but have creativity coursing through our veins! Where do your creative giftings lie? Remember creativity is not limited to what I’ve talked about above. There is abundant creativity present in culinary arts, mechanical work, hair design, and endless other areas. Don’t minimize any area where your creativity shines.
Do you identify with the term “multi-passionate creative”? If so, how?
Have you ever set out to organize how to move forward in your giftings? If not, I encourage you to try the prioritizing steps above. It’s often helpful to have someone work with you on this process, since sometimes we don’t see ourselves in the fullness that others see. I know this really helped me. I know this really helped me (shout out to you, Jacqui!)
Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,I know that full well.