Trading that overwhelmed feeling for faith
I was talking with the Lord the other night, saying how I feel overwhelmed by all I need to do. It was really weighing me down. This sudden awareness came over me that the reason I was feeling overwhelmed is that some of the stuff I was taking on is stuff I was never meant to carry. I needed to trade that extra weight for faith.
Whew. That got my attention.
I know this sounds very simple and very obvious, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Because even when you lay stuff down and commit to being at peace and trusting God, over time you start picking little pieces back up here and there, especially if you aren’t seeing progress fast enough or in the direction you want. At least I know I do!
So how do we sort it all out? What should we carry and what should the Lord carry? Well, I can’t give you a precise answer here (and I certainly wouldn’t trust anyone who does), but I can advise that it would be a great idea to take it to the Lord in prayer!
You could say something like this (below is just a guide to help you get started - it’s certainly not prescriptive):
“Lord, I have all these things that are weighing me down and making me feel overwhelmed. I know some things are my responsibility, but some things are my worry, my stiving, my impatience. Show me what is what. Help me release the stuff to you I need to release. And help me be a good steward of the stuff I do need to do. Guide me every day. I want Your peace, Lord, and I want to trade the stuff that is weighing me down for faith in Your plan. Holy Spirit, empower me to live like that. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”