Use What You Already Know

I am a big believer in lifelong learning. But I also believe that we already possess a good amount of wisdom, knowledge, and experience that we aren’t tapping into!


One of my three life principles is, “Use What You Already Know.” What I mean by this is that it is likely you can already do more than you are doing simply by drawing on what you already know.


Think about the experiences you have already had in your life: the difficulties you have endured…the obstacles you have overcome…the successes and failures that have stretched you. You have gained hard-earned wisdom from those experiences. And these experiences are unique to you. They give you a special edge.


Now think about the training you have had. Whether through formal schooling or on-the-job training, what you’ve learned has provided you with knowledge and transferable skills you can use to do other things.


Now think about where are right now: where you live, who you are surrounded by, and what’s currently going on in your life. Where are there opportunities for you to shine?  Where do you see little openings where you can step up?


What if you are where you are supposed to be, right here, right now, so that you can take stock of what you already know and start applying it to what’s next?


It doesn’t have to be a huge thing. Start small and manageable. Think of one goal you would like to achieve, and then think of how you can use what you already know to start you off on the path to achieving it.



