I’m nearing the finish line on a new album. It’s all originals, crafted with wholehearted love and attention to detail. Some songs are deeply personal, and I pray all will be a light to you on your faith journey. And as I reflect on the process, I’ll admit, I’m tired. Very excited, but tired.

But I keep pressing on, and I always will. Why? Because I believe I’m called to do so.

We’re all called to use the gifts God has given us. Not just if we’re the very best at something, not only if we’re guaranteed a good result, not just when our efforts are appreciated.

We’re called to offer our gifts back to the One who gave them to us, all the time, period. A quote from Erma Bombeck sums up my thoughts on this with such compelling vulnerability, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would have not a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me.”

This is what I want…to uncover my gifts, nurture them, and then offer them back to the Lord in gratitude. Often that means sharing them with the world, too. And that can be scary. But nothing transformative happens in ourselves or others unless we’re willing to step out. My calling is more important than my fear. My commitment to obedience is more important than my comfort. And my efforts to leave this world empty-handed are, for me, the most authentic expression of worship I could ever give.

I’m so glad to be on this journey together.


A new suitcase…


New Album