We remain in You
You remain in us
You are our shelter
In You we trust
(bridge of “Remain in You”)
During a walk in the cranberry bog near my house last week I came across an adorable little turtle crossing my path. He tucked his tiny head and feet into his shell when he sensed me approaching and didn’t come out until I was well past him. Then he continued leisurely on his way. I marveled at how this fragile creature could just stop whenever he felt unsafe and retreat inside his shell, because he knew it was well capable of doing the job of protecting him.
For a moment I envied that little turtle, because I can relate to feeling fragile and afraid, and sometimes I wish I could crawl inside a shell and hide from the worries and dangers of life. But then I remembered the bridge (above) of my song, “ Remain in You,” and I was reminded that I do have a covering. The Lord is our shelter, and He holds us in the palm of His hand. This idea of abiding in Him and being covered by Him is foundational to peace, friends.
May we all breathe Him in and out (verse) with each step and remember that we have a Father protecting us when we feel fear start to take hold.
Reflection Questions
The fact that we have protection available under the Lord’s spiritual covering is such a marvelous miracle. How do you connect to this feeling of abiding and taking refuge in the Lord’s covering when you’re feeling worried or scared? For me it starts with slowing down and breathing in and out (verse) as I reflect on His promises and read His word. I encourage you to be intentional about “remaining” in Him this week. Journal your observations.
The lyric video to “Remain in You” is linked below. What lyrics stand out the most to you? Why? Does this idea of abiding and feeling protected encourage you? Or does it feel distant? Spend some time reflecting and praying as you feel led.
Psalm 121: 5 The Lord watches over you – the Lord is your shade at your right hand…
John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.