Stop settling for loose chains
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. - Galatians 5:1 (NIV)
I was asked to sing “Break Every Chain” recently. It’s a simple song well known among the church’s congregants. I asked the Lord how best to minister through this song since it’s certainly not a song anyone needed to be led to sing.
The Lord impressed upon me to tell them this before we sang the song: stop settling for loose chains. He didn’t set us free to have loose chains. He set us free to have BROKEN chains! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. - Galatians 5:1 (NIV)
I physically demonstrated how easy it is to settle for loose chains. If they are loose enough we can walk around pretty well, and we can move our arms pretty well. It becomes a comfortable normal pretty easily. And by settling for loose chains we can continue in some of the behaviors and mindsets that led us into chains to begin with. We negotiate with our sin and find the middle ground where we still have some freedom but can still play with fire, too.
We know if we have accepted Christ the Holy Spirit has come to live in our spirit and we have the promise of eternal salvation, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still have junk to clean up. That doesn’t mean we don’t still have chains to break!
Christ wants us to have total freedom. It’s something I’ve been praying about a lot lately. I’ve been asking the Lord to show me areas where I need to renounce and repent. And he’s showing me, little by little. Layer after layer is being peeled away as I seek holiness and to fully live for Him.
I invite you join me in this pursuit of freedom. It’s humbling, it’s difficult, but it’s worth it.
I’m praying for you! Please pray for me, too.