Water the seeds; don’t stomp on them

We need to be in this together, friends. There’s room for all levels of ability. We’re not called to be the best; we’re just called to do what we’re called to do! 

I’ve been feeling called for a while to add another element to my ministry. I recently talked with someone at church who does this kind of ministry to ask how I can take lessons and get started (granted I have absolutely no time to add another single thing to my life, but when I feel prompted to do something, I start doing my homework, because God always makes a way). She very quickly said I should “stay in my lane” when she learned I don’t have a background in this type of ministry.

I was stunned, and if I’m honest, very hurt. You just expect someone at church to be supportive, I guess. I didn’t say much and went on my way.

I realize this lady didn’t mean to hurt my feelings. She thought she was giving me good advice. Clearly, I don’t agree, and I certainly don’t think it was her call to make. It got me thinking, though, about how important it is to be supportive of someone’s calling, no matter your opinion of their abilities. I even repented to the Lord for any time I might have been less than supportive of anyone who has ever looked to me for guidance while pursuing their calling.

The second lesson I learned from this was more of a reminder: I can’t let anyone’s opinion derail my calling. Plenty have tried – some with good intentions and some without. I repented again, this time apologizing to the Lord for placing this lady’s opinion of what I’m capable of above who He says I am and what He has called me to do. I also repented of the bad feelings I had towards this woman and prayed that she would be even more effective in her ministry (this was a tough one if I’m totally honest).

My blogs all have an encouraging element, because that’s my primary call in writing, so here’s the encouragement in this: if you feel called, start doing your research. Ask questions. Reach out to those in areas where you feel called. And when you are discouraged, keep going. Also, be a supportive shoulder to someone who admires what you do. Water the seeds of someone’s calling; don’t stomp on them. You will be blessed for being a blessing, and you will feel empowered by empowering others.

We need to be in this together, friends. There’s room for all levels of ability. We’re not called to be the best; we’re just called to do what we’re called to do! 


Our Quarters Ministry


Stop settling for loose chains